Blind Eagle
Play this game in a large field or meadow. Blindfold one player and stand in the middle of the field, holding a flashlight. One other player stands next to her and acts as her assistant. The other players form a large circle around the edge of the field, and, on a signal, begin to stalk toward the eagle as silently as possible. If the eagle hears anything, she aims her flashlight in the direction of the sound, snaps it on, and yells "Freeze!" All players stop. The eagle's assistant looks to see if there are any players standing in the ray of light. Those caught are out of the game. Remaining players continue staking forward. The first one to touch the eagle is the winner.
Bug Watch
Tie up a white sheet between two trees. Shine a flashlight on it. See what is attracted to the light. Move the light and see what happens. Check the outside lights around the camp or in your neighbourhood. What animals are attracted to them?
A natural night-time activity! How many songs do you know about sunsets, stars, evening time, sleeping and dreaming? Break the girls into teams and see which one can list the most titles.
Frog Calls
Listen and try to identify frogs and toads near your night pond. Spring peepers call in a high bell-like whistle. Green frogs call in a dull twang like a tuned down banjo. American toads call in a long trill. Pickerel frogs call in a short snore.
Hide and Go Beep
When it's too dark to play hide and go seek, get out your personal radar for a game of Hide and Go Beep! Locate one another by sound: Hidden players must beep every 30 seconds or so. Just count to 30 and beep. Remember, locate a space where players won't trip or run into unseen objects.
Mapping Night Sounds
Find a special spot to stop and listen. Have a notepad, pencil, and a flashlight, if needed, with you. Make a "sound map" by placing yourself in the middle of your paper with an "x" and drawing night sounds on your paper as you hear them from different directions. Which way is the noisiest? Which direction is the quietest? Are there any reasons for the differences? Share and compare your map with a friend.
Meteor Showers
Look for meteors in the sky falling to the earth through the atmosphere. As these stony particles enter the air, they burn up, creating what are commonly known as shooting stars. Find out when the best showers are expected to appear in your area through the newspaper and have a Shower Party.
Moon Watching
Chart the phases of the moon each night for at least one week. Note how much of the moon is visible and at what point on the horizon the moon first appears.
Satellite Watching
Watch the sky on a clear night. Can you find at least one man-made satellite crossing the sky? The moon is a natural satellite. Why is that?
Search for Nocturnal Aquatic Animals
Suspend a waterproof flashlight in to a pond or a lake and catch water creatures attracted to the light. Compare with a sample of water from "dark water"; i.e., water that was not illuminated.
Stargazing I
Lie on your back and look up on a clear night. Pretend that you are given the task of finding and naming constellations for your family and friends. Find at least three constellations of your own making and describe what you see, how to locate them, and make up a legend for fellow stargazers.
Stargazing II
Using a star chart, orientate it for time and date. Locate some major constellations: The Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Draco the Dragon, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Hercules and as many other constellations that you can find. Look for planets. How can you tell the difference?
Starlight Safari
Take the group on a starlight safari. After 30 minutes in the dark, your eyes can see almost as well as a cougar's. What does the night sound like? What smells were not there during the day but are noticeable now? Use your sense of touch. Feel the textures and temperatures of your environment.
Snowy Tree Cricket Thermometer
The snowy tree cricket's call is a dull, whistle-like sound. They often call in unison. Count the number of chirps in 13 seconds and then add 40. You will have the temperature within a few degrees Fahrenheit.
Spring Shower Hike
Take your flashlight to a deserted road near a pond or a swampy area on the first rainy spring night and look for frogs and salamanders crossing the road or in shallow ponds. The require moisture, thus rainy nights are preferred for their migration.
Looking for more night-time activities? Check out my Night Games and Night Maneuvers pages.
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