Camp Skills Evaluation Form

This checklist was sent to me by one of my former co-Guiders, Leslie Bown. When I was in Ottawa, she and I (and a number of other wonderful ladies... Hi Cheryl! Hi Charlene! Hi Shelia!) (tee hee) worked together with a fabulous group of Pathfinders. Anyhow, seems they're doing fine without me! :) This year when Leslie And Crew headed off to camp, They found that a number of the newer girls weren't too sure what was expected of them as Pathfinders, in terms of duties, campsite management, tent care, etc. So Leslie created the following checklist for the girls to complete before, during and after the camp. More columns can be added to the forms for other camps the girls attend later in the year. As the girls gain more camping experience, they check off the more advanced skills. When all the Camp Skills boxes have been checked at least once, the girls have completed most of their Bronze Camping Badge. There are a few items (marked with a *) which hopefully don't get checked off at all!


Getting Ready for Camp

Camp Skill Camp #1 Camp #2 Camp #3
I packed my clothes and bed roll z z z
I contributed to the planning of meals etc. z z z
I remembered to bring all my personal gear z z z
I brought ALL group gear that was assigned to me (i.e. coolers; ice, milk jugs, fire buckets etc) z z z


At Camp

Camp Skill Camp #1 Camp #2 Camp #3
* My mom or dad helped pitch the tent z z z
I pitched the tent with other Pathfinders z z z
* The Guiders helped pitch the tent z z z
I kept my tent tidy at all times z z z
I stored food safely (from animals & at right temperature) z z z
I set up the stove z z z
I lit the stove z z z
I cooked on a camp stove z z z
I cooked food on an open fire z z z
I can lay three different types of fire z z z
I packed my own bed roll to go home z z z
* My Guiders had to remind me to do things z z z
* My Patrol leader had to remind me to do things z z z
I made a camp gadget z z z
I can tie a reef knot and know when to use it z z z
I can tie a bowline and know when to use it z z z
I can tie a sheet bend and know when to use it z z z
I can tie a clove hitch and know when to use it z z z
I can tie another knot and know when to use it z z z
I participated in flag raising/flag lowering z z z
I participated in campfire z z z
I participated in a Guides' Own z z z
I organized a flag raising/flag lowering z z z
I organized a campfire z z z
I organized a Guides' Own z z z
I made a significant contribution to the smooth running of my patrol z z z
* I tried to get out of doing work z z z
I cheerfully participated in ALL activities z z z
I brought first aid problems to the first aider z z z
I brought my minor problems to the Guiders for them to solve z z z
I kept the Promise & Law at camp z z z
I practiced environmentally friendly camping techniques z z z


Post Camp

Camp Skill Camp #1 Camp #2 Camp#3
I unpacked promptly z z z
I cleaned and promptly returned all gear assigned to me (kits/stoves etc) z z z
I had fun at camp z z z

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