Survival Kit List
Here is a list of what I have in mine, and reasons for choosing them:
I also have a little piece of paper with all the internationally recognized ground-to-air signal codes on it, which fits in my kit. On its flip side are directions for making a simple lean-to.
Of course the most important aspect of any survival kit is making sure your girls know how to use it! A couple of years ago, my old Pathfinder unit made up two games to test their survival skills in summer and winter conditions. Check 'em out!
:-) Thanks to Lisa Sykes for this great tip! Instead of chocolate in your survival kit, why not substitute a Milk Bone dog biscuit? They are edible and full of energy. And if you're lost in the woods with the munchies, you're less likely to eat your Milk Bone when you don't really need it yet!