Utensil Meal

As you are getting ready to serve dinner, confiscate everyone's cutlery, leaving only a bowl, plate and cup at each place. Once the girls are all seated two leaders go around and hand out the "cutlery" for the meal -- any kitchen utensil to be had (excluding knives for obvious reasons)! The best way I've found for distributing utensils is to place them all in a basin and have one leader walk around with the basin on her head. The second leader pulls utensils out at random and hands them to the girls. Perennial favourites are the potato masher and the egg beater. Make sure that the leaders end up with the hardest utensils to eat with (makes the girls feel better...).

The meal must be eaten with the utensil provided -- i.e. girls can't just use their fingers! Make sure the food served is of several different textures and shapes. (As in, have you ever tried eating rice with an egg beater? It can be done!!)

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