Turkey in the Ground

Thanks to Doreen McAllister, who sent this recipe to me!

The night before you want to eat the turkey:

Dig a hole. Get a really good hot fire going. When the wood is 1/3 burned (ish) add about 5 lbs. of briquettes. When they have started to get hot scoop about 1/3 to 1/2 of the briquettes to the edge (so you can pick them up and put them on top of the turkey in a few minutes.

While the fire is getting hot prepare the turkey:

Wash dry and stuff, just like at Christmas, your turkey. Wrap the turkey in one layer of tinfoil. Making sure it is covered completely (use two direction layers if need be). Wrap the turkey in about 3 pages of WET newspaper. Repeat until there are 5 or 6 layers of tinfoil and newspaper ending in tinfoil. Make sure the newspaper is wet (not just damp).

When fire and turkey are both ready:

Throw the turkey in the fire. Cover with the briquettes that you set aside and a few of the pieces of burning wood. USE CAUTION TO NOT BURN YOURSELF!!! Bury the whole shebang with the rocks and dirt that you dug to make the hole.

At dinner time the next day:

Dig up the turkey and enjoy!

You need to make sure that there is a very high rock content (as opposed to clay) in your dirt/rock mixture. If there is more clay than rock just add a few hot briquettes in the morning after breakfast. Make sure to leave a small air hole that you can check your oven "temperature" with throughout the day. Also make sure the area is well marked so nobody steps on your dinner!

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