Double Simon Says

Thanks to Jane Maddin for submitting this one!

Equipment needed: none
Ages 5-8 years old
Number of children from 10 to 30.

Double Simon Says Source: this game came from an old Beaver leader handout. Divide the children into two groups. And make two circles. Each circle plays Simon Says (which I'll explain in a moment) and the children who are "out" go to the other circle. Thus no one is sitting off to the side, bored. And the circles do not stay the same size.

To play Simon Says (with Sparks, perhaps two leaders should be "it"), pick two people to be "it". "It" stands in the centre of the circle and says Simon Says do This and does an action. Everyone in the group is to copy the action as long as "it" has said "Simon says". After a few actions with the words Simon Says in front, "it" tries to 'catch' people by saying 'Do this' without saying Simon says. If someone performs the action they go to the other circle!

This game works best if the actions are done quickly and the Simon says are fast. The game will not last for a long time, but is good in an area where you don't have a lot of space for running around. And again, can be done in a large group with more than two circles.

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