Buddy Tag

Pair all the girls up into buddies. Scatter the buddies around your playing area, leaving lots of space between each pair. Then pick one pair to start off the chase. One girl is "it" and tries to tag the other. The girl being chased can, at any time, grab a hand of a buddy. If this happens, the buddy of the girl whose hand was grabbed must run in her place, and the girl who was running becomes one of the standing buddies. The effect of this is that the "it" girl ends up chasing a whole series of different girls! If the "it" manages to tag one of the runners, the roles are reversed, so the chased girl becomes "it" and the "it" is now being chased.

...and here's a slightly altered version of Buddy tag which was sent to me by my good friend Leslie Bown! Thanks!

All girls form pairs and hold hands, except for two. One person is "IT". "IT" tries to tag the only other single lone person. The lone person tries to join hands with one of the pairs, except the pairs try to avoid having that person join hands with them. So the pairs try to get out of the way of "IT" so that the lone person can get tagged.

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