Poor Pussy/Honey Do You Love Me?

Thanks very much to Jane Maddin, who posted these games to the Guide Mailing List! I too played these as a Brownie!

The children sit in a circle with one person in the center of the circle as the pussy. The pussy crawls over to each of the children in turn around the circle (until she makes someone laugh, then she takes their spot in the circle, and they become the pussy.) The person that the Pussy stops in front of, must say "Poor Pussy" and pat the Pussy three times while the Pussy meows piteously and tries to make the person laugh. If they succeed in saying "Poor Pussy" three times with a straight face, then the Pussy goes on to the next person.

Variation for Pathfinders:

The person who is 'it' chooses a victim and says to them, whilst performing such antics as to cause them to smile involuntarily, "Honey if you love me, will you please, please smile?"

The person that they stop in front of must say, "Honey, you know I love you, but I just can't smile." with a straight face.

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