Sleeping Beauty

Many thanks to Jocelyne Pasman who posted this game to the Guide Mailing List!

All the girls pretend to be Sleeping Beauty (that is, they lie on the floor perfectly still and silent) when they have all stopped squirming, you choose one girl to be the Fairy Godmother. She goes around to the girls who are being the best "Sleeping Beauties" and wakes them up with a gentle tap. They then move quietly to line up, the next activity, make a circle, etc, etc...

Don't know why it works, but the girls love it!

Here's a second version of the game, called "Dead Fish". Thanks to Shelly Timson for sharing it with me.

We play this game when the girls have been very active and need to calm down or when it is very hot and they are all a bit tried. Our girls love it, and it is important to have different fisherwomen and that nothing physical is used to catch the fish out. 

You choose a Fisherwoman, the rest of the girls lie down on the floor and pretend they are dead fish, the fisher woman walks around the room watching the fish for movement. When the fisherwoman spots movement that person is out, they can then join the fisherwomen (depending on how long you want the game to go for). If you have some very dead fish joke telling to individual fish can be used to see if you can make them laugh and move.

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