Four Corners

Thanks to Luanne Taylor, who posted this game to the Guide Mailing List!

One girl (or a Guider) is "It" and sits in the middle of the floor, hiding her eyes and counting to a pre-agreed number out loud (such as 20). The four corners of the room have been designated with numbers, letters, theme names or whatever you wish to distinguish them from each other. The other girls scurry to the corner of their choice (not necessarily all together) and stand there -- when It reaches 20 (or whatever) BEFORE LOOKING UP she calls out the name of one of the corners. Everyone in that corner is caught and comes to sit with it and helps count out loud for the next round. Eventually only one girl is left scurrying to a corner, uncaught. While this game can be (and often is!) loud and hilarious, girls soon catch on to the fact that the way to fool the "counter" is to be noisy running by one corner, tiptoeing to the next! I've had lots of girls Brownie and Guide age request this every week!

Thanks very much to Katherine Fancey, who sent me these variations on the game!

You can change the names of the four corners to go with the theme of your meeting, e.g., the four points of the compass, the four World Centres, etc.

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