Paddle Dance

I learned this game while I was working at Scanlon Creek Conservation Area.

Equipment: 1 paddle, preferably aluminum

Game: Players form a large circle. One player comes to the middle of the circle, and holds the paddle vertically over their head (hands near the grip, the shaft and blade of the paddle as high in the air as possible). The player needs to spin in a circle ten times, holding the paddle as upright as possible. At the ten-count, they lay the paddle down on the ground and, keeping their feet and legs tightly together, attempt to jump back and forth across the shaft of the paddle as many times as they can. The player is "out" when any of the following happen: their feet/legs spread apart, they touch any part of the paddle, or they fall over (which happens regularly 'cause they're so dizzy!).

Repeat the game until everyone in the circle has had a try. The player with the highest number of successful jumps across the paddle wins!


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