Parts of a Canoe

Skill Level: Basic
Skill Learned: Parts of a canoe
Precautions: If the canoe is on land - none; if in the water - watch that the person doesn't fall in.
Equipment: 1 or 2 canoes (depending on number of players), blindfolds, parts of the canoe on cards (e.g., deck, bow, stern, bow seat, stern seat, thwart, yoke, gunwale, freeboard, keel)

Game: One person picks a canoe part card. After they see what the part is, they are blindfolded. They can be guided to the canoe by their team-mates. They try and place (or stick) the card on the appropriate part of the canoe by feeling the canoe with their hands. Players take turns being blindfolded and labelling parts. The game is over when the entire canoe has been properly labelled.


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