Electric Maze

Materials Required: A large tarp, with a grid marked on it in duct tape, so it looks something like this:

. . . .


. . .
. . . . . . . .
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. . . . . . . .
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To Play: The challenge is for the entire team to cross from one side of the tarp to the other, by stepping on the appropriate squares. The problem is that some of the squares are "electric" and will "zap" any player who stands on the wrong square. These squares are not visibly indicated on the tarp - the leader of the challenge needs to have a sketch of the playing area on a small piece of paper that the players can't see. Players try to cross the maze one at a time. The leader of the challenge will indicate whether the player is on a safe square or an electric one. Players may move horizontally or vertically but not diagonally.

As the game progresses, the group will slowly figure out what the safe route across the tarp is. The game is over once every player on the team has safely crossed the maze.

An example of a possible game board is given below, with the "safe" squares indicated in the order they would need to be stepped on. Note that the players must step on each square in order, otherwise they are "zapped" and the next player on the team gets their turn.

. start 1 2


. . .
. 7 6 3 . 17 18 .
. 8 5 4 15 16 19 .
. 9 . . 14 . 20 .
. 10 11 12 13 . finish .


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