Grab The Flag
Thanks very much to Maureen McGregor, who sent me this game!
- Flag (tie, piece of material, t-shirt, etc.)
- Cards with trivia questions on them (and answers)
Divide the unit into two groups. Give each person in the group a number. The group lines up facing each other about 10m apart. Give each group a home base behind their line. They can use a line on the floor or place an object to mark the "safe line". Place flag on a spot between the two groups. Call out the number of one of the pairs of girls. The girl from each line whose number has been called will run to the middle of the room and try to grab the flag, then run with the flag back to their home base. When one girl gets the flag, the other girl can try and tag her before she gets "home".
Whichever girl has managed to get back to home base with the flag gets to answer a trivia question. She can ask for help from the other girls in her group. If the answer is correct the group gets a point. If the answer is wrong the other group gets to answer the question and get a point.
This trivia game can be easy or hard depending on the group and the questions being asked. Some sample questions include:
- Who is the Governor General of Canada?
- What does WAGGGS stand for?
- When is Thinking Day?
- What is the Sparks promise?
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