
Materials: 4 pylons to mark goals, pinheys to identify teams, 1 large, not-so-bouncy and not-so-hard ball

Set up two goals as in soccer or hockey using the pylons as posts. Ensure there is ample space behind each set of goal posts as well. Divide the players into 2 teams. The game is played similar to soccer, in that the objective is to score as many goals as possible against the opposite team. However, there are a few major differences:

  1. The ball must stay on the ground, and can only be moved by hitting it with your hand.
  2. If the ball is accidentally kicked, it is an automatic point to the opposing team.
  3. Goals can be scored from either side of the goal posts; as long as the ball passes between them, a point is scored.

This game can be played in a grassy field, or, even better, on a snowy field while wearing snowshoes!

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