Magic Writing

Thanks very much to Marilyn McLaughlin, who sent this game to me!

In order for this game to work, you need to have at least one friend to work it with you who already knows the trick.

Start the game by telling an elaborate story about how you and a friend grew up in an exotic country and became friends with a witch. Explain how the witch taught you how to do "magic writing".

The friend now leaves the room and the girls choose a word for you to write. The friend re-enters the room.

In order to "write" the word, the vowels are represented by bangs on the floor (e.g., A = 1, E = 2, I = 3, O = 4 and U = 5). Consonants are the first letter of the phrase that you say as you "write" on the floor with big exotic movements.

For example, if the word being guessed was "Guide", it would go like this:

"Going to start now";
some meaningless scribbles on the floor;
4 bangs;
more meaningless scribbles;
3 bangs;
more scribbles;
"Don't get confused with this bit";
more scribbles;
2 bangs.

Mixing bangs and letters makes it a very confusing and challenging game!

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