Night Lines

Cool! Thanks tons to Jane Maddin for posting this game to the Guide Mailing List!!

Materials: Each team must have a flashlight.

To Play: The person leading the game must have made up before hand, 8 cards per team, with a design on the card in light reflecting tape. Maptack or laminate the cards in advance so as to be able to use the game again! The designs could be three lines, 2 triangles, 4 rectangles, one circle, etc. The cards must be hidden, in a certain area while no one else is watching.

Each team is assigned a kind of card that they are looking for. The boundaries of the game must be described to all the players. Each team sends out one member at a time, with the flashlight to find, and bring back one of their cards. (At that time they may find cards of the other teams, just leave them undisturbed.) When the first team member finds one card, they return and hand the flashlight over to the next member of their team, who hands the flashlight over to the next team member when they find one card etc. The first team to find all their cards wins.

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