Canadian Flag Participation Story

Thanks very much to Wendy Baker, who sent me this story. I don't have "official" actions for each of the key words in this story; you can create your own!

A long time ago, before your grandparents where born the French and English speaking people of CANADA, used as their special emblem, the MAPLE LEAF.

The colours RED and WHITE were assigned to CANADA by King George V in a proclamation dated 21st November 1921.  They represent Strength and purity.  So, when the people of CANADA decided to have their own FLAG, they chose a RED MAPLE LEAF on a WHITE background.  It is divided into three sections with the center WHITE sections being a square equal to half the width.  This  section has a RED MAPLE LEAF in its center.  The RED MAPLE LEAF has ELEVEN points.  These ELEVEN points make a nice design, but they do not have any special meaning.  On each side of the WHITE background square, is a RED stripe.  The RED stripes put together are the same side as the WHITE square.

In the middle of the WHITE square is a RED MAPLE LEAF.  The FLAG is twice as long as it is wide.   Our FLAG should always be treated with RESPECT.  Torn or faded FLAGS should never be used, but should be burned.   CANADA’S new FLAG became official on FEBRUARY 15TH, 1965.  It flew for the first time at the Peace Tower in our capital city of CANADA, in Ottawa.  The MAPLE LEAF was raised at noon that day over embassies all over the world.  “You probably do not remember”, that they had a FLAG raising ceremony at schools in CANADA.   The MAPLE LEAF was adopted as a National symbol in 1907.  When a FLAG is flown at half mast this denotes mourning and when flown upside down, it’s a sign of distress.  We are proud to have our own FLAG.  When we see the RED MAPLE LEAF fluttering in the breeze we think of MAPLE trees rustling in the forests of this good land we live in CANADA.

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