Sheep Shearing Relay

Thanks very much to Ruth Mott for posting this game to the Guiding Mailing List!

Gear Required:

To Play: Patrols in line at one end of the Shearing Shed (Hall). At the other end, opposite each patrol, is a pile of butcher's paper, each piece having the outline of a sheep drawn on it, and a pair of scissors. Halfway up the hall one-member of each Patrol stands holding a felt tipped pen. At signal first girl in each Patrol runs to the paper, selects one sheet and proceeds to cut out the sheep with the scissors. If the shearer goes off the line the shearer calls out "Tar boy, quick!" and the girl with the crayon runs up and makes a mark on the paper where the mistake has occurred, then returns to the half way place on the floor and the shearer continues cutting. When the sheep is cut out it is placed on the floor and the next girl in line cuts out the next one. Game concludes when all girls have cut out a sheep. However, the winning Patrol is not necessarily the fastest, as at the end of the game all sheep are checked and any sheep with a mistake on it that has NOT been tarred by the tar is taken out and the Patrol with the most CORRECTLY cut out sheep wins. No points are deducted for mistakes which have been marked by the tar.

Note: The outlines of the sheep could have been either traced or drawn round a cardboard stencil by the girls at some time previously!

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