Summer Sled Race

Thanks very much to Jane Maddin, who posted this game to the Guide Mailing List!

Equipment: A toboggan per team, a tow rope if your sled doesn't already have one (or a magic carpet, or a piece of tarp) AND a bucket, a chair or marker for the other end.
Ages: 5 and up
Number of Participants: Teams of 4 or 5
Source: Calgary Area Training
Category: Outdoor

Each team needs a sled dog to pull the sled. The bucket must ride on the sled, so the rest of the team runs along behind to put it back as required. (Each team can be given something to put in the bucket to weight it down, if you think that'll help!) The sled must go down to the other end, around the chair (ice berg) and back to the starting line. If you'd like to make the game longer, or you have girls with lots of energy, then have them do it like a relay, with the first girl the dog, and the 2nd one the bucket watcher, then the bucket watcher becomes the dog, and the 3rd girl is the bucket watcher, then she becomes the dog and the 4th does the watching. When the last girl on the team pulls, the first is the bucket watcher.

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