Crossover Beanbags

Many thanks to Sandra O'Keefe, who also posted this game to the Guide Mailing List, who writes:

"This is a favourite game in Dublin and is used in our Games Competition. It takes a lot of practice to get it right but the fun is in learning. It's also quite hard to explain so I hope you understand."

Category: Indoor/ Outdoor
Equipment: 3 beanbags (approx. 12cm x12cm) per team, Chalk / tape to mark X on the ground
Number of Players: (at least 2 ) teams of 8
Basic Rule: Girls may stand with one foot on the X, but the other foot must be beside or behind it - not in front

To Play: Girls (A - H) stand in the following formation i.e. on each of the X's:

Bx Dx Fx Hx
Ax Cx Ex Gx

A has all 3 beanbags. A throws beanbag 1 to B, who throws it to C, who throws it to D, who throws it to E…..etc. In the meantime A throws beanbag 2 to B, who throws it to C…….etc. Then A throws beanbag 3 to B, who throws it to C……..etc. H collects all 3 beanbags and runs behind F, D and B and up to position A. All the others crossover. The formation is now:

Ax Cx Ex Gx
Hx Bx Dx Fx

H then throws beanbag 1,2 and 3 to A, who passes it to B etc. G, who is at the end, collects them and runs to the throwers position (originally A). All the others crossover. This continues until A is at the end and collects all 3 beanbags and she runs to the Guider who should stand between the 2 teams.

HINT: If a girl drops beanbag 1 or 2 she should leave it until she has passed on beanbag 3 This game can be played with tennis balls BUT when dropped, they can travel a long way!

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