Peace Camp
I dug this out of my archives file... I think this is based on a camp I ran for my Guides when I was still living in Guelph, Ontario.
1) Drama: Use drama and role play for conflict resolution (we use that in social work a lot), where you could give them "what ifs.." and little dilemmas to act out in a skit. For example, you have become friends with an unpopular girl in your class. You would never tell your other friends. But one day she was playing at your house when one of your other friends unexpectedly shows up . . . This is a good one for resolving personal inner conflict, and has provided with some pretty interesting endings. Other skits could be more typical, you are accusing someone of stealing something of yours, or somebody hit them. Or a good one that would be good for third years may be that you got caught reading the awful things your sister wrote about you in her diary after you had a big fight. Thing was, it was your sister who caught you...
2) The World in 2030
- Discuss - How old will you be?
- What do you think you will be doing?
- Will there be peace in the world?
- What would you like the world to be like?
- What could you do now to create the world you would like to see in 2030?
3) More Role Playing:
- Have small groups act out situations such as:
- How to stop a quarrel.
- How to greet a person from another country who does not speak English.
- How to be good losers.
- What to do if everyone in your group wants to do some thing different.
4) Shared Task: Give each patrol the same task, however, don't give each Patrol all the necessary equipment. Between all the Patrols, all the equipment is available, so the Patrols will have to trade and barter to complete the task. (I particularly like doing this with a cookout lunch or shelter building.)
5) Flower Garden
Objective: To demonstrate that differences among people make the world a more interesting place.
- - a variety of coloured construction paper (one sheet per girl)
- - four poster boards
- - scissors, glue (for four groups)
Divide into four groups. Give two groups construction paper in a selection of colours. Give the other two groups paper of one colour only. (No crayons, markers, etc. are allowed) Have each group make a flower garden, using only the paper it has been given. When the flowers have been cut out, have the girls glue them onto the heavy paper. When the groups are finished, display the gardens for all to see.
For Discussion:
- - Which gardens do you like best? Why?
- - Look around the room. Do you see anyone with exactly the same hair colour as yours?
- - Hold your arm next to the arm of the person beside you. Are you skin shades the same?
- - What would the world be like if everyone looked the same?
6) Fly a Peace Flag
Make flags with peace symbols. You can paint, glue, sew a message of peace. Old sheets make good backgrounds but other material can be used too. Hang your peace flag where many people can see it or mail it to a Guide group in another country. Suggest an exchange of peace flags.
7) Peace Kite
Make kites; any design will do. Decorate the kites with peace symbols and fly them in a large open space. A good camp activity!
8) Multi - National Dove
On a large piece of cardboard or bristol board, draw the outline of a dove. Cut it out. Give the girls recipe or file cards and crayons and have a book of world flags handy. Each girl colours the flag of her choice. Stick all the flag cards on both sides of you dove. Cut away the pieces of flags that stick out from the dove shape. Attach a piece of string and hang the multi-national dove from the ceiling so that it can spin around freely. Fewer girls and fewer cards makes a one-sided dove that can be hung on the wall.
Peace Songs
Dona Nobis Pacem - Our Chalet Songbook p. 77
Shalom Chaverim - Our Chalet Songbook p. 8
It's a Small World - Our Chalet Songbook p. 39
Blowing in the Wind - Our Chalet Songbook, p. 52
One World - Our Chalet Songbook, p. 74
Peace of the River - Our Chalet Songbook, p. 90
Hevenu Shalom Aleichem - Our Cabana Songbook, p. 58
No Man is an Island - Songs for Canadian Girl Guides, p. 27
Reach Out in Love - Jubilee Songbook, p. 36
Vine and Fig Tree - Jubilee Songbook, p. 35
Give Peace a Chance
99 Red Balloons
Tears Are Not Enough
From a Distance
We Are the World
Where Have all the Flowers Gone
Chimes of Freedom
Eve of Destruction
Peace Game
Tug of Peace
Equipment: one skipping rope per person
Contrary to tug of war, this activity asks players to work together to create a shape or an object with their ropes. Three children for instance can make a triangle out of a rope by tying it together, laying it on the floor and gently pulling at three places. Increase the length of the rope and the number of people working together to "draw" a picture on the floor.
Peace Craft
Friendship Tie
- One 3.3 m length of wool in each of these six colours: yellow, purple, orange, red, variegated green and blue
- a small brass or other bell
Tie 10 overhand knots, evenly spaced, along the wool, binding all the colours together. Using another overhand knot, tie the two ends together, leaving a tassel. Tie the bell to this large knot. The circle represents friendship around the world with sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. The blue colour is for the world of well-being, yellow is for the world of the outdoors, purple is for the world of the arts, orange is for the world today and tomorrow, red is for the world of the people, and the variegated greens are for all the ages and sizes and commitments to Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting. The 10 small overhand knots represent the 3 parts of the Promise and the seven Laws. The large overhand knot, which makes the circle, represent the bond that unites all of us in Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting to today's girls and women.
Peace Readings
Chain of Friendship
Challenge for Peace
The Great Big World We Live In
My Pledge
for Peace
the All Faith Prayer, Jul 21/96, at the World Conference in Nova Scotia)
Another great activity for you to include is the Peanut Butter Sandwich Dilemma.