Brownies Adventure to Guides

Thanks to Wendy Baker for this wonderful idea!

The Brownies start in a ring. Presentation by Brown Owl of any insignia the girls have earned in Brownies and their Brownie Fun and Adventure Pin. (Have all the girls line up beside Brown Owl and have Brown Owl move down the line presenting the badges and pins so that the girls face the audience.)

Brown Owl says: "Now your adventure to Guides begins. Follow me into the centre of the Brownie Ring." (Girls advancing in middle and girls staying on outside).

2nd Leader says: Do you want to do the Grand Howl to show how proud you are of being Brownies?

All: Grand Howl

3rd Leader: Let's all say our Brownie promise.
(make sign)
I promise to do my best,
To be true to myself, my God/faith and Canada
I will help other people,
And Keep the Brownie Law.

Each of the Brownies who are staying have butterflies and the girls going on to Guides go around the circle and collect their butterflies: blue for World Friendship, green for Our Environment, pink for the beauty of the out-of-doors, white for helping others. These can be cut out of coloured construction paper with the word written on them. Have each girl who is staying have one of each colour to hand out as you say:

4th Leader says: Here is a Blue Butterfly to represent World Friendship. Here is a Green Butterfly to represent Our Environment. Here is a Pink Butterfly to represent the beauty of the out of doors. Here is a White Butterfly to represent helping others. Now that you have all your Butterflies to remind of you of some of the things you have learned in Brownies, it is time for you to have a rest under the toadstool.

When the girls advancing are all pretending to be asleep under the toadstool the rest of the Brownies tiptoe in and remove the toadstool and make a circle around the toadstool leaving the Brownies asleep. The Guides tiptoe in and form a horseshoe around the Brownies leaving the opening where the Guide Guider is standing. The Patrol leaders then one at a time touch the Brownie on the shoulder to awaken them and take them to their Guider.

Guide Guider will say: Welcome to Guides. Here is your Passport to Guides, please take it home and keep it over the summer to remind you to come back to Guides next fall!

NOTE: After all the ceremonies have all the Girls and Leaders join hands and then sing Make New Friends.

Then refreshments will be served!

Ceremony made up by Wendy Baker May, 1996

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