Chief Commissioners Award Presentation

Thanks very much to Wendy Baker, who wrote this ceremony and then shared it with the Guiding Mailing List.

Leader 1: Lord Baden-Powell patterned his ceremonies after the investiture of a new knight in the days of King Arthur.

Leader 2: In order to become a knight, a young man had to go through a long time of probation, he had to prove a high standard of honour, obedience, purity and gentleness to all who were weaker than he.

Leader 3: This is a very special award, which you have earned by completing all challenges in the core program.  (for Rangers: [Girl's name], as a Ranger you completed challenges in such things as service, personal growth, community, women's concerns, leadership, and science and technology.) (for Cadets: [Girl's name], as a Cadet you have completed all your core requirements and in addition have had practical experience as a helper for [name groups worked with here].)

Leader 4: We are proud this evening to present you with your Chief Commissioner Award. (present pins) May you go forth wearing this pin proudly as an outward symbol of your hard work and love of Guiding.

Leader 1: I am proud to have the honour of rewarding you for your dedication to Guiding today. I present you with your Chief Commissioners certificate for a job well done.

(Flowers should also be presented at this time. One idea is to buy small carnation corsages, tied with a ribbon of an appropriate colour - red for Rangers, yellow for Cadets, blue for Jr. Leaders.)

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