Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers Sparks Enrolment

Thanks very much to Wendy Baker, who created this ceremony (especially for Kare Bear, October, 2004) and posted it to the Guiding Mailing List.


Stepping stones with Promise written on them.  (eight stones)
One stone for each girl with her name on it.
Foamy shape with enrolment pin on it.

Each girl gets to step on the stones and say the Promise as she steps on the words. Other girls can help too!

When all the Sparks get to the end of the promise path, there are stones for each of them with their names on them scattered around the area.

The second year Sparks say: "Finders keepers, losers weepers!" and the Sparks go and turn over the stone with their name on it to find their enrolment pins (pin them to a foamy hearts... and then they bring them one at a time to the leader to be enrolled.

Once they are pinned, the leader says: "Always keep your enrolment pin to show you were a Spark and learned to share and be a friend."

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