B.P. and the Guide Laws

Here is yet another fabulous ceremony written by Wendy Baker, who writes:

"I just finished a facilitation for Stage 2 with some of my Guiders and for the portion on Guide Law I gave them each a piece of gimp about 10 inches long and from my scrap foamy bag I asked them each to chose 7 different colours. I then asked them to each choose a colour to represent each of the 7 Guide Laws and cut it into any shape they wanted. We then discussed how the initials BP could be used to apply to the different laws. Here is what we came up with:"

1. Honest and trustworthy - Be Pure, Be Proper, Be Polite

2. Use resources wisely - Be Prudent, Be Practical

3. Respect myself and others - Be Polite, Be Punctual, Be Pleasant

4. Recognize and use talents & abilities - Be Proud, Be Picky

5. Protect common environment - Be Protective, Be Prudent, Be Preserving

6. Live with courage and strength - Be Powerful, Be Patient

7. Share in the sisterhood - Be Positive, Be Plentiful, Be Pleasant

There are no wrong or right answers. They wrote on their foamy whatever BP they wanted to remember the law by.

They then punched it and hung it on the gimp to make a Law bracelet. For the promise we made a promise braid. We cut out trefoil shape from navy felt. We then added three strands of wool, yellow, white and navy and pulled it through a hole in the stem of the trefoil. I pointed out that the three parts of the trefoil stand for the three parts of the promise and as they braided the wool they were to remember how they make the promise part of their daily life. They can use this for a book mark or a treasure for their camp hat.

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