Our House of Guiding

Thanks very much to Wendy Baker, who posted this reading to the Guide Mailing List!

Source: Girl Guides of Canada, Ontario Council, Training Department, Introduction to Adult Learning, March 24 - 26, 1995.

Place a white centre block of house on flannelgraph before beginning to build our house of guiding.

Foundation: As any building is only as good as its foundation, so it is in Guiding. Our house of Guiding is built solidly on the foundation of the Promise and Law. Granted, it is not always in the forefront as far as the general public is concerned, but we, its members, know it is our Promise and Law that makes us girl guides.

Door: We enter our house of Guiding through the aim for everything we do is Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinder, Ranger, Cadets and Junior Leaders as well as Leaders, we all enter each activity through the aim.

Windows: As with any house we enjoy living in or returning to after an absence, we want it to be a happy place, so our programs and shared leadership make our house a nice, bright, happy place to be.

Roof: And as with any happy family, we may raise the roof sometimes, but usually it's because it is a fun place for girls and leaders alike.

Chimney: We may gave the odd chilly night, like any family - but our chimney of sisterhood and the friendships with our Guide and Girl Scout sisters not only in Canada, but in 136 other countries as well, give us a warm glow of friendship which carries us forever forward.

Trees: Our house could surely be considered complete, but as with any house, landscaping makes it "Hug the Ground" and so our test work and badges, along with our Promise and Law, makes this a great learning experience and ties it all together.

Path: The steps of our house represent our work in the community and our path from the community service will lead us to greater learning, adventure and international activities careers and whatever the world has to offer.

All in all, this is quite a house that B. P. has built for us. It has become a home to many, young and older.

For some of you, it may be returning home after an absence. For some it may be simply moving from one room to the other. To our new members - Welcome to our house of guiding, so glad you are moving in, everyone of you.

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