I'll Show You A Volunteer

Thanks to Wendy Baker, who shared this reading with the Guiding Mailing List.

Show me a person who spends
endless hours in training without pay,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.

Show me a person where
a cry for help brings split-second dispatch,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.

Show me a person who is
devastated when lives are lost or maimed,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.

Show me a person who is
graciously welcomed as a next-door neighbor,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.

Show me a person who often
takes more ridicule than complaints.
And, I'll show you a volunteer.

Show me a person whose car
is garaged with the grille facing out.
And, I'll show you a volunteer.

Show me a person who
sacrifices home life, TV...even tender moments,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.

Show me a person who
may be asked to give more than just dedication,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.

Show me a person who
is asked to give more... and more... and more...
And, I'll show you a volunteer.

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