Removing an Egg's Shell Without
Cracking It
- 1 Ziploc sandwich bag
- 1 uncooked egg
- 16-fluid oz. white vinegar
- 1 glass
- 1) Put the egg in the bag. Add enough vinegar to
completely cover the egg, or enough to half-way fill the bag.
- 2) Close the bag, removing most of the air. Observe
the egg, noticing specifically the bubbles on the shell.
- 3) Turn the bag so that the egg is in one corner,
and place this corner into the glass.
- 4) Let the egg sit overnight. In the morning it will
feel soft, this is because the vinegar has dissolved most of the hard part
of the shell. Let the egg sit for 2 more days in the vinegar, to assure that
the shell has been dissolved.
- 5) Over the sink, pour the vinegar out of the bag.
Under a trickle of water, wash the egg gently to get all traces of the shell
Explanation: The shell was
dissolved by the vinegar, but the membrane underneath wasn't. The membrane
helps protect the egg. Observe how the shelled egg feels.
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