Fountain Bottle
- small bottle with a screw top
- a pen or needle
- food coloring
- clay or play-dough
- plastic drinking straw
- bowl of hot water
- 1) Take the lid off the bottle and using the
scissors, make a hole in the top, pressing downwards. Fill the bottle
half-way with cold water.
- 2) Pour a few drops of food coloring into the cold
water in the bottle, then stir to get an even color. Screw the lid back onto
the bottle tightly.
- 3) Push a straw through the hole, then press the
clay around the base to seal up the hole. Take a small ball of clay and
press the straw through. Leaving the clay inside the straw, remove the rest
of the ball. Poke a hole through the clay with the needle.
- 4) Place the bottle in the bowl; fill the bowl with
hot water. Wait for the fountain to work.
Explanation: The hot water
around the bottle warms up the air. As it warm the air expands, pushing the
water down. The water has no place to go but up the straw, coming out as a
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