Other Online Songbooks and Resources
Here are some links to other songbook websites that you might want to check out:
Barry Louis Polisar: A children's singer and songwriter, his website has a fun collection of silly songs for you to enjoy.
The Children's Music Network - Peace Resources: This site offers links to lots of songs on the theme of peace.
The Flying Pig Campfire Song Book
Girl Scouts Music: This site is the home of Legend Productions and Melinda Caroll, who has recorded numerous Girl Scout songs on CD. The lyrics to all songs she's recorded are available to download and you can also order her CD's online. A great resource for anyone wanting to learn new songs.
KIDdles - a huge website with tons and tons of kid's songs and MIDI files so you can learn the tunes.
Mission Hills Music - sells CD's of Christian music, including the works of Brian Howard. They also have some songs available to listen to online.
The Mudcat Café hosts the Digital Tradition Folksong Database. If you can't find a song on my pages, try here.
Rick Rambo's Woodbadge Songbook
ScoutSongs.com Virtual Songbook
Songs for Scouts - from the MacScouter Site
Sue Wichers' Graces Website: Sue has both musical scores and midi files for a whole bunch of graces - including most of the ones I've got here!
If you're looking for more songs, check out Sue Wichers' Lyrics Page. Many, many links here to other people's songbooks etc.!
This great site has mp3's of many favorite campfire songs for you to download.
This is a great way to learn new songs.
Campfire Story and Skit Resources
The Scouting world definitely has a stronger tradition of skits than the Guiding world. Here are a few neat places to check out:
Ye Olde Catalogue of Boy Scout Skits
Becky's Guiding Resource Centre Main Menu