An Old Austrian

An old Austrian went yodeling on a mountain so high,
When along came an avalanche, interrupting his cry!

Yo-delayyy, keeee....
Yo-delayy ki ki, you-delayy ki koo (swish!)
Yo-delayy ki ki, you-delayy ki koo (swish!)
Yo-delayy ki ki, you-delayy ki koo (swish!)
Yo-delayy ki ki, yo!

Verse Actions:

An old: drum hands on thighs
Rest of the verse: sequence of slap hands on thighs, clap hands together, snap fingers, repeat

Chorus Actions:

Yo-delayyy, keeee.... : drum hands on thighs
Yo-delayy ki ki, you-delayy ki koo: same sequence of slaps, claps and snaps as in verse

At the end of each chorus line, you add on the different verse's sound and action. E.g. for the avalanche, the action is to make a swishing movement with your hands.

Other Verses And Their Actions:

Grizzly bear: grrr! (hands curled up into claws)
Saint Bernard: pant, pant! (hands up like paws, tongue hanging out)
Girl Guide: cookies! (make the Guide sign)
Road Runner: beep, beep, neeeeowwww! (use two fingers of one hand and "run" them across and in front of you)
Jersey cow: squirt, squirt! (milking cow action)
Pretty girl: kiss, kiss! (pucker up!)
Her father: bang! (make a finger-gun and shoot)