Ricky the Rock
(actions in brackets)

Ricky the Rock goes (pause: in silence, clasp hands over head)
He looks at me and goes (same as above)
He never laughs or sings,
Never does anything.
He looks at me and goes (same as above)

Other verses and their actions:

Garry the grass goes (in silence, outline blade of grass with hands)
Trevor the tree goes (in silence, arms out to sides like branches)
Barry the branch goes (in silence, one arm out to side as branch)
Willomeen the water goes (in silence, make wave actions with hands)
Claudia the cloud goes (in silence, puff out cheeks, arms over head)
Fiona the flower goes (in silence, hands beside head, fingers opening like flower petals)
Danny the doorknob goes (in silence, head down and turn back and forth with hands)
Ricky the rock goes (repeat!)