Three Sharp Tooth Buzzards
(actions in brackets)
(I have also seen this song called "Three Short-Necked Buzzards" and "Three Chartreuse Buzzards"; one such example can be found in "Campfire Activities", Girl Guides of Canada, 1993.)

3 (hold up 3 fingers) sharp tooth (fingers curled up by mouth as teeth) buzzards (hunch shoulders, look mean)
3 sharp tooth buzzards (same actions)
3 sharp tooth buzzards (same actions)
Sitting on a dead tree (arms out as branches, head lolled to one side)

Oh LOOK (shade eyes with hand), One has flown A-way (point to the distance)
What A Shame (one hand at forehead in a dramatic gesture)

2 sharp tooth buzzards (same actions as above, but hold up 2 fingers)...
1 sharp tooth buzzard (same actions as above but hold up 1 finger)...
No sharp tooth buzzards (same actions, but shake finger "no" at "No")...

Oh, Look (shade eyes with hand), One has RE-turned (beckoning motion)
Let us RE-Joice (arms up in joy)!

1 sharp tooth buzzard ...
2 sharp tooth buzzards ...
3 sharp tooth buzzards ...