L-O-double L-I P-O-P
Spells lollipop, lollipop
It's the only decent kind of candy, candy
Man who made it musta been a dandy, dandy
It's L-O-double L-I-P-O-P
Spells lollipop, lollipop
It's a lick on a stick
Guaranteed to make you sick
It's lollipop for me.

And then there's
Spells bubble gum, bubble gum
It's the only decent kind of chewing gum, chewing gum
Man who made it musta had lots of fun, lots of fun
It's B-U-B-B-L-E-G-U-M
Spells bubble gum, bubble gum
it's a pop and a chew and a comic too
it's bubble gum for me.

And then there's
Spells castor oil, castor oil
It's the only decent kind of medicine, medicine
Man who made it musta be Edison, Edison
It's C-A-S-T-O-R-O-I-L
Spells castor oil, castor oil
it's a lick on a spoon
Guaranteed to cure you soon
it's castor oil for me.

And then there's
Spells Davenport, Davenport
It's the only decent kinda love seat, love seat
Man who made it musta had a heartbeat, heartbeat
It's D-A-V-E-N-P-O-R-T
Spells Davenport, Davenport
It's a huge and a squeeze
And an oh, Johnny please!
It's Davenport for me!

Thanks very much to Julie, who sent me this extra verse:

And then there's
Spells outhouse, outhouse,
It's the only decent kind of bathroom, bathroom,
The guy that made it must have been a really loon, real loon,
It's O-U-T-H-O-U-S-E
Spells outhouse, outhouse,
It's a hole in the ground,
Don't fall in or you'll drown,
It's an outhouse for me.