Have Fun
(source: "Songs for all Sorts")

Thanks very much to Marion Lougheed, Micki Pagan, Mary Thomas and Mairi Scott, all whom helped me to solve this song mystery!

Have fun! Our motto is
'Have fun' or you will miss
A life of happiness,
While you're young,
Remember, have fun.
Remember, have fun.

Have friends, believe in them,
Have friends; receive from them,
A life of happiness,
While you're young,
Remember, have fun.
Remember, have fun.

Have faith in God above,
Have faith in His great love.
Have faith and happiness,
While you're young,
Remember, have fun.
Remember, have fun.

Have love; it's all that's good
Have love; it's understood
You'll live the life you should.
While you're young,
Remember, have fun.
Remember, have fun.