Law Song (New Law)
(words and music by Brandis Purcell)
(source: "Celebrate With
Song", Girl Guides of Canada, 1995.)
- I
challenge myself with the Guiding Law
- To
be honest and true
- To
be wise in the use of resources I have
- To
respect myself and others too
- To
know and to use my gifts and skills
- To
protect our common world
- Live
with courage and strength
- And
to share in the joys
- Of
the Guiding sisterhood!
Loi Guide
- La
Loi Guide m'invite d'etre honnete,
- Digne
de confiance;
- D'utiliser
mes ressources avec sagesse;
- Me
respecter, respecter les autres;
- Connairtre
et utiliser mes talents;
- Proteger
- Etre
forte et courageuse,
- Partager
dans la joie
- L'amitie
de mes soeurs Guides.