Camping Observation Kim's Game

Thanks very much to Kathy Tauscher, who submitted this game to me!

Fill a baggie or small box with a variety of small man made items (30 is a good number) and a list of the items. At camp, rope off a small area (e.g. square metre) of trees or brush. Hide the items in the brush, attempting to camouflage several of them.

Have the girls walk around the circle for a set period of time and record the ones they see -- advise them not to point them out until we are all ready to share our answers. Encourage the girls to change direction, crouch down, etc., to see more items. After everyone has discussed the answers and why some things are harder to find than others, collect your items and store your baggie for next camp.

Some items that camouflage very well : green twist tie, bobby pin, delicate bracelet, plastic animal/bug, matchstick, etc.

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