First Aid Kim's Game

Thanks very much to Carol Levy, from the Tennessee-Arkansas-Mississippi Girl Scout, who sent me this game!

This game is suitable for girls aged 9-12 (Guides in Canada, Juniors in the States). Have on hand about 25-30 items which could have come out of a *very* complete first aid kit. The girls are divided into teams. Each team has 2 minutes to view the items, then they go off to separate corners and have 5 minutes to, collectively, list as many items as possible. The girls have to be silent during the viewing.

After each team has had a turn to view the items, they all come together to discuss what they have seen. The girls are allowed to ask identification for unknown items (e.g. few will know what a pressure dressing is!), and to ask reasons for items that they don't understand (e.g. why a sanitary pad, the hard candy, etc.).

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