Jumping Kim's Game

Thanks very much to Nancy Roe, Abnaki GS Council, Maine, who e-mailed me this Kim's Game!

Gather together about 10 small items (a penny, a button, a paperclip...). Keep them in a small box - a metal Band-Aid box works well. The game then is handy for any occasion or moment when a little activity, but not too much, is needed. Girls and adults stand in a circle. Items from the box are spread on the floor in the centre of the circle. The "it" person calls out "Jump!" and everyone jumps and turns to face outside the circle. "It" removes one item and then calls out "Jump!" again. Players jump and face into the circle. The first to spot the removed object raises her hand and if correct becomes the next "it" person.

Two good gamesmanship ideas can make this a very good game. Since some people are better than others at spotting the item removed they will win more than once. When this person has won, maybe a third time, the leader can say "Janie, Susie hasn't had a chance to be "it", would you let her take the turn this time?"

And, when the game needs to wind down the leader can say "Two more times and we'll do something else..."

When the items become too familiar, send the box home with one of the girls and let her come up with a new set of items.

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