Pass it On

Thanks to Alana Raymond, who shared this reading with me.

We all appreciate the beauty and the calmness of our out-of-doors. Nature is a kaleidoscope, in which all parts and pieces mold together to form the most beautiful picture imaginable. Yet, if we were to take each segment, and examine it deeply, then, when we re-created it as a whole, we might appreciate its beauty even more. Let us imagine what we could then pass on to others.

Pass on the Camp sunshine. Remember its power to bring warmth and light to everyone. But remember especially its power to cheer and to bring joy into our hearts.

Pass on the beauty of the water, when the sun rises and sets upon it, when it glitters in the moonlight, when it is silent and still.

Pass on to others the feeling you get when you are walking in the forest among the trees. Help them to appreciate the sights and the sounds you have experienced yourself.

Pass on the beauty which we have all experienced at camp - the natural wilderness of flowers that fills our meadows and lines our roadsides with a rich sweet scent.

Pass on the beauty of the setting sun - blended colours lighting the evening sky. May the peace and tranquility of our sunset be ever with you.

Pass on the light and guidance of the stars; God's twinkling eyes in the sky to forever lead and protect us. The stars will never die.

Pass on friendship. Do not walk in front of me - I may not follow. Do not walk behind me - I may not lead the way. Just walk beside me, and be my friend.

Pass on a smile. Smile a mile and when you smile others will smile too, and soon there will be miles and miles of smiles.

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