(source: "Our Chalet Songbook", Our Chalet Committee, 1981; also found in "Diamond Jubilee Songbook", Girl Guides Association, 1984.)
(To be sung as a 4-part round)

Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena,
Can't you hear the music playing in the village square?
Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena,
Can't you hear the music playing in the village square?
Tzena, Tzena, join the celebration.
There'll be people there from every nation.
Dawn will find us dancing in the sunlight,
Dancing in the village square.

Thanks very much to Jennifer Alexander, who e-mailed me this cool and different version of Tzena! This version is not entirely the same tune as the version above.

Tzena, Tzena, Tzena
(source: The Reader's Digest Children's Songbook)

Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena,
How can anything plainer than my love for you?
Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena,
Don't you know your eyes contain a look that thrills me through?
Tzena, Tzena, everyone is waiting
For a wedding they're anticipating
Everyone is happy celebrating
People dancing in the streets.

Clap your hands and (clap)
Raise your voices higher
Make a circle
While we dance around the fire
All the world's in
Love with Tze-na, Tze-na.