The Dinosaur Song
(actions in brackets)
(to the tune of the Sharon, Lois and Bram song "Three Elephants"... I think!)

Thanks very much to Carol Jones, who sent this song to me.

Three dinosaurs came out to play (hold up three fingers)
Out in the land of lost one day (hand over eyes look round as if lost)
Along came Tyrannosaurus, crunch, crunch, crunch! (stamp three times)
And ate up a dinosaur, munch, munch, munch! (make munching motion with arms)

Repeat with two, one, and finally no dinosaurs. The last verse goes like this:

No dinosaurs came out to play (hold up "no" fingers)
Out in the land of lost one day (hand over eyes look round as if lost)
Along came Tyrannosaurus, crunch, crunch, crunch! (make munching motion with arms)
He stood there and shouted, "Where's my lunch?!" (hands on hips)