More Resources for Canadian Guiding History Activities, Ceremonies and Readings
A Husband's Lament: We should never forget those wonderful husbands, soul mates and Significant Others who support us no matter what we do in Guiding. Here's a great poem just for them.
The Alternative Dimension: A reading to spark discussion on what a world without Guiding would be like today!
Camp "Spirit" Opening Ceremony: A special and ceremonial way to open your next camping event.
Girl Scout Gorp Ceremony: A perfect way to help prepare your group for a wilderness adventure!
Guide's Own: Our own special ceremony of thanks. Here are two sample Guide's Owns - and of course I'm always looking for more!
Guiding Promise, Law and History Games: A collection of activities you can use to help teach these important concepts to your girls.
Inspirational Readings: A collection of readings to make you feel great! These readings can be included in any special event you have planned for your unit.
Thank-You Ideas: How to make all of our wonderful volunteers feel appreciated!
The Rainbow of Guiding: A very special poem written by some very special girls!
Volunteer Readings and Poems: More tidbits to help you to thank all your volunteers.
We Are Only Leaders: A reading suitable for District/Division meetings, or occasions where you would like to recruit new leaders or provide PR for the Organization.
On my Guiding Links Page you can find links to other Guiding Resource Centres on the Web, Companies and Packs around the world, and much more!